CCMS Fall mixer, September 30.

As part of a CMMS membership drive, we are hosting a family-friendly mixer on Saturday, September 30 that includes free entry to the Maryland Zoo and dinner at the Johns Hopkins Materials Characterization and Processing (MCP) facility. Registration for the mixer will count towards CMMS membership if you are not already a member.

Registrants can spend the day at the zoo, which includes a talk for our group by zoo staff and an informal scavenger hunt for microscopy samples. We will then meet at the MCP to image found objects with optical and electron microscopes. After the microscopy demos, there will be a pizza dinner, liquid nitrogen ice cream and a tour of the state-of-the-art facility. The event at the MCP will be limited to 50 participants so please reserve your spot now! 


Maryland Zoo

10:00 Doors open (tickets have been sent via email, please check spam if you haven’t received it)

2:00 Talk by zoo staff for CMMS (CANCELLED)

4:00 Zoo closes/travel to MCP

Materials Characterization and Processing (MCP) facility

4:00 Family friendly microscopy demos

5:30 Pizza dinner, LN2 ice cream & facility tours

7:00 Wrap up

Parking is free at the MCP, please see their website for maps and directions. You may park in the lot across the street. Please go around the back if the front door is locked.

For more information or questions, contact

Thanks to our sponsors for supporting this event:

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